Oh man 2023 is coming in a few days,and before 2022 ends, i just wanna share my thoughts of 2022 it was the best year although kind of shit here's why:When it was the first days of 2022 i thought it was gonna be like a normal year and all, until i joined in on newgrounds on march 6th,i would always post alot of my art on the art category, on march of 25th i would make my first video on yt after getting an idea from a discord friend and it was a pico iceberg and it got some views,even Luis noticed it,and this is where i met luis and we started talking alot and honestly,i love luis,he is literally one of the sweetest people i have ever met and im very glad he's making me happy.
On the summer of 2022 i have started to meet awesome people on discord from newgrounds discord servers such as @ClunkyDot,@kubernikus18,@SoupPaste,@itsreddqueen and more,i even met some of the old school Ng users such as Mindchamber,JohnyUtah(kind of)even Chluaid and more.
Things would change when i come back on school alot of shit would happen,when i was hanging out with my "friend"(who we would refer to him as Johny) i would always get hurt,what i mean by this by him beating me and insulting me as like a joke cause thats what mostly best friends do, although that joke, didn't seem a joke to me cause i would feel hurted and even actually get a bruise one time although it wasn't that much big,it was keep happening alot until on November 8th,when we started leaving from school with another "friend" he decided to put his jacket on my head like if he was kidnapping me and making me walk on the road like this,it was very dangerous and after the third he did that he took me to the other "friends"house to show ,and when my glasses fell down and pick em up i realised that one of the hinges broke,and that made my parents buy new glasses,On December 17th after i finished performing a drum play on stage i visited my uncle and aunts house and my older cousin decided to gift me his old iPhone 6s and his Apple watch series 3,on the next day Johny unexpectedly came to my house just to tell me to come to his home to hang out and when i showed him my new phone,we filmed some videos and all,and when i left i forgot to get my phone case for my iphone and on December 20th (which was on my birthday)when he came in to school,he came with my phone case ripped in half and said its my bday gift to you like and joke and all but i told him why he broke it and he said it was cracked anyway like dude just because its old doesn't mean you have to break it.
The people who i talked on discord,where the people where making me more happier and happier,cause my real life friends are bullshit cause they are mostly bad but i prefer my discord friends cause they are more nicer and more sweet,and honestly i love my discord friends cause they're the type of people i wanna talk to and hang out with.
that's all i have to say,2022 was an amazing year for me but not for school,i really hope that 2023 will be a good year
Good luck for the next year ⊂(•‿•⊂ )*.✧